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Best Moving Day Tips for an Easier International Move

The relocation day can be overwhelming, but with good planning and immaculate organization, it will be a smooth and stress-free experience. The main reason we made this moving day tips overview is the hope it will assist you in making this adventure a breeze and keeping you on track during your move. Get ready to unlock the secrets of a successful move with our help and embrace this new chapter with confidence.

Every relocation overseas should begin with making a thorough checklist and starting the preparations well ahead of time. The same thing should apply to your big day. In case you are relocating with kids or pets, find a sitter so they don’t get agitated before the trip even starts. Finally, prepare a bag with essentials, and be sure to wear something comfortable for the long journey ahead.

Have a Stress-Free Move With Our Moving Day Tips

Planning a relocation abroad can be time-consuming and stressful, but with the right tricks, you can turn the whole thing into a smooth and stress-free experience. It doesn’t matter if you need our expert relocation hacks for the sake of relocating efficiently with the whole family or if you are moving abroad alone, as they are here to make this process as smooth as possible.

From creating checklists for relocating abroad to packing moving essentials or even organizing important documents, we will help you stay on the right track. Follow our helpful tips for moving so you can be one step ahead of everything that might arise along the way.

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Make a Moving Day Checklist

Even before you start with anything, you should create a to-do list for every stage of your relocation. Making this checklist will help you keep track of everything, and the possibility of forgetting something will be slim or next to nothing.

Set the timeline date and chart your tasks out into smaller groups for managing purposes. These should include looking into reputable companies, gathering packing materials, organizing your belongings, creating an inventory list, downsizing, and move-out/move-in cleaning.

A to-do list
Create a checklist for every stage of the journey

Notify Relevant Parties and Everyone Involved in This Process

As the relocation date closes in, it is important to inform everyone involved in this event. If you’re not sure who to notify when relocating, you can always start with your utility companies and provide them with the date for changing utilities from one address to another.

Also, change your address and update it with your insurance and bank. Inform your post office about the change as well and ask that your mail is forwarded to your new address. Reach out to your loved ones, close friends, and colleagues and provide them with updated info, so you can stay in touch with them when you reach your new home.

A woman talking on the phone
Remember to notify all the relevant parties about your relocation

Get Up Early – One That’s Up With the Sun, Gets Things Done

If you have the luxury of asking family and close friends for advice on relocating internationally, they’ll probably tell you to try and get up as early as possible and never to wait on a relocation company hungry. From this point, you can’t know how much time it will take them to load everything onto the moving truck and when you will be able to eat again. Start early and try to have a high-calorie meal before the madness hits the fan, and you will be set and ready to conquer the trip to your new house and relocate across the world like a boss.

However, never forget how much a good night’s rest is important for normal functioning. That is why you should try to get into bed early the night before, as you will need all the energy you can get. Having a good night’s rest will also help you fight the anxiety that glooms over every relocation, as you’ll have the upper hand on mental and emotional health. Remember to get up early so you can start your relocation day preparations on schedule.

Woman sitting on the floor and looking at the laptop
Get up early, and you will have all the time in the world to get organized

Plan to Get a Sitter in Case You Need One

Whether you are relocating to another country for love or are planning to move with your cat and your whole family, know that the big day can be very stressful for everyone. That is why it is important to ask your family or friends to look over your kids and pets, as you won’t have the luxury to look after them in all that commotion. In case no one can come to your aid, think about hiring a professional sitter.

If you are relocating with your dog, here is the video on how to get your pet prepared for this transition.

One of the Best Tips for Moving Day – Pack the Bag With Essentials

Unpacking after your move overseas can take a while. The period between your arrival and the arrival of your stuff can be measured from days up to weeks. That is why it is important to prepare a bag of essentials for everyone who is relocating. Each personal bag has its own story, but you should think about including these:

  • Essential documents,
  • Toiletries,
  • Portable electronics and chargers,
  • Personal valuables,
  • Few pairs of shoes and a change of clothes,
  • Food and water.

Wear Something Comfortable When Moving Overseas

Traveling overseas can drag on forever, with all those check-ins and outs, waiting on the flights, and connecting flights. Wearing something tightly fitted is one of the greatest relocation mistakes, especially if you are relocating for the first time. That is why wearing something comfy can be your greatest ally in these moments. So be sure to think about these things when you start packing clothes:

  • Comfy sneakers,
  • Oversized tracksuit and hoodie,
  • Clothes with pockets with zips,
  • Match your clothes according to the weather.

Be Sure to Snap a Few Pictures of Your Inventory

No matter how professional the movers you picked are, accidents do happen in relocating industries. That is why you should take pictures of the state of your sensitive electronics before you pack them. This way, you will be able to provide your company with evidence of the state of your belongings in case any harm comes to them during transport.

Taking pictures can also come in handy in case you worked hard to decorate something and would like to try and replicate it in your new home. It can be helpful in case it takes you a long time to set up your Hi-Fi system. Take a picture of the complicated cable setups, as it makes it easier to set everything up again at your new house. Note that you shouldn’t skip taking pictures even if you opt for packing services and you are not the one that will be handling the packing of electronics.

A packed computer
Take a picture of your electronics before the relocation crew arrives and packs it

Be Prepared for the Arrival of Your International Movers

When it comes to relocating overseas, there are so many rules and regulations you need to follow that it is just easier to hire professionals for the job. International Moving Company can offer you international moving services which include relocating by sea or air, and storage services that are free for the first month, among others. Keep in mind that if you did a thorough move-out cleaning just before your movers arrived, you should try to secure your place properly for minimal damage to your cleaned surfaces. Follow this list, and you will be ready in no time.

Prepare Your House Based on the Weather Forecast

Try to prepare your house according to the season during which you are relocating and check the change in the weather so you can make the necessary preparations. If you are relocating during winter or rain, try to secure your floors from mud and water with cover-ups or leftover cardboard.

Ready Refreshments for Your Movers

Take the weather into account so you can prepare appropriate refreshments for your movers. In case you are moving during warmer months, try to cool down some drinks and prepare some snacks. If it’s cold outside, prepare something that will help them warm up. Last but not least, prepare one bathroom they can use to freshen up.

Remember to Tip Your Movers

Try to prepare a generous tip for your movers, as they will handle most of the preparations around your relocation. Upon the job well done, you can give them a nice tip and even ask some questions in case something needs to be cleared up.

Two international movers loading a truck
Hire International movers to handle your relocation

Take a Final Stroll Through Your Home

Saying farewell to your former property is vital for emotional reasons as well as performing a final check-up in case something needs to be repaired. Try to look at every corner of the place, check if you forgot something, and contact your property manager and schedule repairs with him if needed. When you’ve completed the checkout process and signed the walkthrough report, you should be ready to turn over the keys and say goodbye to your old place.

Family playing on the floor
Laughing and playing throughout the empty home is a wonderful way to say goodbye to it

With Our Move-Out and Move-in Day Tips, You’ll Be Prepared for New Adventures in a Heartbeat

Every international relocation has its own narrative, but most are very tiring and exhausting. That is why it is wise to consider hiring a trustworthy company to handle everything while you focus on your family during this transitional period. The International Moving Company is here to do the heavy lifting for you and make this journey as easy and stress-free as possible for everyone involved. Feel free to contact us right away and book our services for your relocation abroad.


What Should I Do the Day of Moving?

Try to go to bed and get up early. Remember to have breakfast to keep your energy up for a good period of time. Prepare your bag with essentials and wait for the relocation company to arrive. After everything is loaded, have a quick last inspection of your old home before handing over the keys.

How Can I Make Moving Day Easier?

Start planning on time for peace of mind. Create a checklist for every stage of the journey and sort them by priority. Try to involve your family and friends in the whole process and coordinate some of the tasks with them. All of this will aid you in relieving some stress.

How Do I Stay Calm on Moving Days?

If you follow the laid-out schedule, you will be able to take a few breaks, go for a walk, or do some breathing exercises. Sleep enough, eat well, and try to drink plenty of water. Keep in mind that if a problem occurs here and there, it is not the end of the world.

Why Is Moving Day So Stressful?

Every move is hectic and stressful as there is so much that needs to be done. However, hiring professionals to aid you on this journey will keep some of the stress away. Every change in the matrix can be scary, but it is also a sign of a new beginning.

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